Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT LaBash Consulting & Advocacy!
Three questions with Darci LaBash, Founder of LaBash Consulting & Advocacy.
Why did you start your business?
I started LaBash Consulting and Advocacy because there is a tremendous need for support for families to navigate the special education process. I have been working with families for many years and the one thing that remains consistent is how confused parents and caregivers can feel. The world of special education is overwhelming and I think there are many steps that can be missed when you first begin the journey. During COVID, I especially found myself on more and more calls trying to help families understand what can be offered and how to work within this already complex world. It was then that I decided to make it official.
What is your best-selling product/service?
Knowledge… and empowerment for families to become their own best advocates. I am not an attorney. My goal is to help before you need legal assistance, so hopefully you won’t. I strive to help families understand processes and procedures and to help work WITH their schools to develop the best program for their child.