Westport, CT - Westport Country Playhouse is a collection site for Norwalk Toys for Tots and Westport Homes with Hope Food Pantry during its December lineup of shows, including a Family Festivities presentation of “The Lightning Thief” on Sat., Dec. 2, produced by TheaterWorks USA; “Warrior Class,” a Script in Hand playreading on Mon., Dec. 4; and “A Sherlock Carol,” a family-friendly holiday production, Tues., Dec. 19 through Sat., Dec. 23; as well as “The Nutcracker,” Fri. and Sat., Dec. 8 and 9, produced by Norwalk Metropolitan Youth Ballet.
Items for the two local charities may be dropped in the collection boxes in the Playhouse lobby anytime the box office is open (Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m.) and at performance times.
For Norwalk Toys for Tots, new, unwrapped toys and books for children in need may be brought to the drop-off box in the Playhouse lobby now through Thursday, December 14. The donations will benefit local agencies and families in Norwalk, Fairfield, and Westport. Items sought include books for all ages in Spanish and Haitian Creole, toys for newborns, and toys for teenagers, up to age 18. During 2022, Norwalk Toys for Tots distributed 5,387 toys, supporting 4,130 children. https://www.norwalktft.org/
For the Westport Homes with Hope Food Pantry, items may be dropped off in the Playhouse lobby during the run of “A Sherlock Carol,” Tuesday, December 19 through Saturday, December 23. The food pantry drive is seeking canned tuna, chicken, meat; canned vegetables and fruit; hot and cold cereal; canned soup, beef stew, chili; peanut butter and jelly; pasta sauce; mayonnaise; rice (small bags or boxes); protein and granola bars; and crackers. The Food Pantry program at Homes with Home, a Westport-based organization dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in Fairfield County, provides food services to resident clients, those at risk of homelessness, and those in need in the community. https://www.hwhct.org/
For more information on Westport Country Playhouse December programming and to buy tickets, visitwww.westportplayhouse.org, or call the box office at (203) 227-4177, toll-free at 1-888-927-7529, or visit Westport Country Playhouse, 25 Powers Court, off Route 1, Westport. Stay connected to the Playhouse on Facebook (Westport Country Playhouse), Instagram (wcplayhouse), and on YouTube (WestportPlayhouse).