Abilis & MFO Announce Holiday Diaper Drive

Fairfield County, CT - Abilis, the nonprofit organization that supports more than 800 individuals with disabilities and their families through Fairfield County, and Mothers for Others, the county’s largest independent diaper bank, are partnering to launch a crucial holiday diaper drive for Abilis in preparation for the holiday season. The goal is to provide 5,000 diapers and hundreds of wipes to the families in Abilis’ Birth to Three program. Those who wish to participate with diapers, wipes or monetary donations can do so at abilis.us/diaperdrive or directly with Mothers for Others. The diaper drive runs from now through November 30, 2024.

“Many of our Birth to Three families could use a leg up with basic needs like diapers and wipes to help make the care of their young children a little easier,” noted Jennie Miklautsch, the director of Therapeutic Services at The Therapy Center at Abilis. “These families are part of Abilis’ Birth to Three program, which supports families with children under the age of three who have a developmental delay. If you don’t have basic needs met, children have a harder time learning. Diapers are one of those basic needs that are very expensive for families, especially today with the rising cost of groceries and daily necessities like diapers. If families don’t have to worry about paying for diapers every day, they can use those funds instead for nutritious food and warm clothes for their children. We are very thankful to partner with Mothers for Others to help with this important holiday diaper drive.”

Any individual or organization who would like to support the Abilis and Mothers for Others Holiday Diaper Drive can do so by holding their own diaper drive, or by donating directly through Mothers for Others so that the organization can then purchase diapers for the Abilis families. 

Diaper sizes 5, 6 and 7, are desperately needed. Diaper wipes are appreciated as well.

“During the holidays, there are so many toy and book drives and everyone is very generous with providing those types of gifts,” noted Cathy De Graaff, co-president of Mothers for Others. “However, the cost of everyday necessities - like diapers and wipes - creates tremendous stress on families all year long. If we can help families navigate tight budgets by providing these kinds of necessities, a gift like diapers or wipes is as good as toys and books during the holiday season. Partnering with Abilis and supporting its Birth to Three families with a diaper drive is one small thing we can do to help make these families’ lives easier.”

Mothers for Others has distributed more than one million diapers to low income families since its founding in 2016. De Graaff noted that it costs close to $1,000 a year to diaper one child and diapers are not covered by any federal or state assistance programs. One in four families have skipped meals in order to afford diapers. 

“Holding a diaper drive allows Mothers for Others to purchase diapers at wholesale prices and in the exact sizes and quantities Abilis needs,” added De Graaff. 

Abilis Birth to Three program is based at The Therapy Center at Abilis in Stamford, Connecticut, and offers comprehensive and innovative programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals and their families at different stages in their lives. The Therapy Center at Abilis provides collaborative care both in the Therapy Center and in the community with a multi-disciplinary approach to meet the evolving needs of each individual. The services delivered are person-and-family-centered and every family receives a personalized plan that addresses the needs of each individual and the concerns of families and caregivers. In the State of Connecticut, Abilis is one of only 11 Birth to Three service providers that provides an autism designation, allowing Abilis to offer diagnostic and intensive services to children with an autism diagnosis. Abilis’ teachers and therapists coach and provide support to families in natural learning environments, such as in the home, at daycare, or other community locations. Other services at The Therapy Center at Abilis include physical therapy, occupational therapy, oral motor and feeding therapy, speech/language therapy, and Autism-specific interventions. 

To support the Abilis and Mothers for Others diaper and wipe drive, please visit abilis.us/diaperdrive or contact Mothers for Others directly at 203-513-4255 or donate at givebutter.com/abilisdiaperdrive.

Abilis is a 501c3 non-profit organization that supports more than 800 individuals with disabilities and their families from birth throughout their lives. Founded in 1951, Abilis is a leader in providing meaningful supports to the community in Fairfield County, Connecticut, in towns including Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Ridgefield, Stamford, Westport and Wilton. The organization has a long-standing reputation for individualized, high-quality care. For more information, visit www.abilis.us, or follow on Facebook @Abilis, Inc., Instagram @abilis_us, X@Abilis or LinkedIn @Abilis.

Mothers for Others supports the well-being of low and limited income families by providing diapers for children from birth to three years old. It is the largest independent diaper bank in Fairfield County, and the only dedicated diaper bank serving the town of Greenwich. Mothers for Others works in partnership with Abilis, Children’s Learning Centers, Family Centers, Filling in the Blanks, the Greenwich Department of Human Services, Inspirica, Kids in Crisis, Malta House, Person to Person, Jewish Family Services of Greenwich, Neighbor to Neighbor, the YWCA Greenwich and The Diaper Bank of Connecticut. To learn more, visit mothersforothers.org or follow on Facebook and Instagram @mothersforothersct, or LinkedIn @mothersforothers.

Submitted by Jenifer Howard

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