Local Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shareef Jandali is a regular contributor to Fairfield HamletHub. In this installment, he discusses Dog Bite Scar Revisions.
Dog bites to the face are common in both children and adults. They often occur with one's own pets, but also can occur when least expected with stranger's dogs or stray dogs. These are usually treated in the emergency room by a plastic surgeon. The wounds are washed out to decrease the risk of infection. Due to the bacteria present in dogs' mouths, there is a higher risk of infection with a dog bite than a clean laceration. The lacerations are often sutured together loosely to allow them to drain. If they are closed tightly and not allowed to drain, they often become infected and need to be opened. Patients are always checked to make sure that they are up to date on their immunizations, especially tetanus. The dog's rabies vaccination status is important information which will guide further treatment also. Patients are discharged from the emergency room on antibiotics.
Dr. Shareef Jandali