Oct. 15 Making Strides Walk to Draw Thousands

Westport, CT - Hundreds of thousands of local breast cancer survivors, caregivers, volunteers, and corporate and community members will unite to help create a world free from the pain and suffering caused by breast cancer at one of many American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in the metro area on October 15. This noncompetitive event raises funds for breast cancer research and patient service programs – such as free wigs, free rides to treatment, free lodging, and a free informational call-center – offered through the American Cancer Society
The local leg of the event will be held at Sherwood Island State Park, off the Sherwood Island Connector, Westport.
Registration at 9am; Ceremony at 9:30am; Walk at 10am
On-site contact: Kristen Welton, 802.989.5688
Last year 7,500 walkers raised $400,000.
According to the American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures 2017, an estimated 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 40,610 death will occur this year.
Since 1993, more than 13 million supporters have raised more than $810 million to help create a world free from the pain and suffering caused by breast cancer. Today, walks are held in nearly 300 communities nationwide.
Submitted by Fairfield, CT

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