Connecticut United Ways Dedicate Week to Act for ALICE

ROCKY HILL, CT – Connecticut United Ways are dedicating the week of April 24 as Act for ALICE Week.

Who is ALICE? ALICE is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These households lack the income to pay for necessities such as housing, food, childcare, health care, technology and transportation. Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 40% of Connecticut’s households were working hard at the jobs available to them, but still struggling to make ends meet.

Act for ALICE Week is an opportunity for the community to join Connecticut United Ways in their advocacy efforts by taking tangible actions that help build a bridge to stability for Connecticut families.       

“We are disappointed that the Connecticut Child Tax Credit was not included in the Finance Committee’s draft budget and that the Appropriations Committee has not proposed funding for universal school meals,” shares Lisa Tepper Bates, President and CEO of United Way of Connecticut. “These are two practical and proven measures that provide immediate relief to the hundreds of thousands of families in Connecticut who live paycheck-to-paycheck or are falling behind on bills.”

Federal benefits have shrunk in recent months, including the federal Child Tax Credit and the Child and Dependent Care Credit. With record-high inflation, families have less money to spend for household essentials, like food, rent and transportation. In addition, many households are receiving $3,000 to $7,000 less in their income tax returns than they did last year.  

Bates continues, “These losses add up. This is a perfect storm for families who are working hard to get by.”

If you, too, feel strongly about these two initiatives and would like to participate in Act for ALICE Week, visit for quick actions you can take to advocate for what matters to ALICE families – with simple and easy links to help you contact your legislator and ready-made posts for social media.  

Plus, mark your calendars for May 9 and register for a virtual session about the Connecticut Child Tax Credit hosted by Senator Martin Looney, May 9 from 1:30-2:30pm. The keynote speaker is Megan Curran, Policy Director, of the Columbia University Center on Poverty and Social Policy. Other panelists include Steven Hernandez, Executive Director of the CT Legislature’s Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity, as well as CT   ALICE families. 

Connecticut families are the center of our communities and workforce. They need your help!

For more information, visit

Submitted by Fairfield, CT

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