FAIRFIELD, CT – A patriotic tradition started more than 125 years ago will continue once again when the Fairfield United Veterans Organization hosts its Annual Independence Day Celebration on the grounds of Fairfield’s historic Town Hall Green on Thursday, July 4th starting at 10am.
The celebration, which is co-hosted by the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m.. Richard Miller, U.S. Navy, Lieutenant, honorable discharge will deliver the keynote speech.
State Sen. Tony Hwang will offer closing remarks.
While the town’s fireworks display will light up the night sky on July 3, the ceremony on July 4 provides a meaningful and moving opportunity to celebrate the historical significance of this great American holiday.
“It’s a really nice and historic event in town,” said Joe Bender, President of the Fairfield United Veterans Organization. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to show your patriotism for the United States of America.”
Bender, who has been involved with the event for about 16 years, is a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War and Commander of VFW Post 9427.
Keynote speaker Richard Miller said, “As we gather here to celebrate our nation’s 243rd anniversary of our independence we are reminded of the selfless sacrifice made by our founding fathers and brave patriots of the original 13 colonies who strove for freedom and the pursuit of democracy. Today we not only remember our founding fathers and patriots, but those who paid the ultimate price for the pursuit of freedom.”
Community leaders expected to attend include Fire Chief Denis McCarthy, Police Chief Christopher Lyddy, and First Selectman Michael Tetreau, along with members of American Legion Post 143, American Legion Post 74, VFW Post 9427, and DAV Unit 19 and Commanders.
Fairfield Teen Theatre has arranged the fife-and-drum music from the Spirit of 1776 to serve as color guards for flag ceremony. The highlight of the program are re-enactment readings from the Declaration of Independence by actors dressed in Colonial-era garb as original authors: Benjamin Franklin (Eric Regan), Thomas Jefferson (Nick Morris), John Adams (Kevin Keating).
Following the ceremony, the Eunice Dennie Chapter of the DAR will host an Open House at the Old Fairfield Academy. Refreshments will be provided.