Westport, CT - Westport Country Playhouse will participate in “Connecticut Open House Day” on Saturday, June 10, from 1 to 4 p.m., offering an admission-free, fun atmosphere with self-guided backstage tours, set model and costume displays, kids’ activities, music, food trucks, and beer tastings. In addition, the Playhouse box office will be open during the open house for special, day-of/in person-only single ticket discounts.
Food from Beyond the Salt, cool brews from Athletic Brewing (non-alcoholic) and Rhythm Brewing, and ice cream from Jim’s Ice Cream Truck will be available for purchase. Vendors are subject to change.
Connecticut Open House Day, now in its 19th year, is an annual event held on the second Saturday of June, provided by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. The purpose of this event is to inspire Connecticut residents to learn about all the experiences in their own backyard, anticipating that this will convert them into ambassadors who will recommend these experiences to other visitors.
Following an April production of the musical “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” the Playhouse’s three-production, 2023 season continues with a new adaptation of “Dial ‘M’ for Murder,” the suspenseful thriller of blackmail and revenge, running from July 11 through July 29; and “School Girls; or, The African Mean Girls Play,” a buoyant and biting comedy exploring the universal similarities and glaring differences facing teenage girls across the globe, playing from October 24 through November 11. The complete schedule is available at westportplayhouse.org. All play titles, artists, dates, and times are subject to change.