Fairfield, CT - Make Music Day 2023 returns to Fairfield on Wednesday, June 21 from 10:15AM - 9PM (EDT). Venues and artists are encouraged to register to participate at makemusicday.org/Fairfield by June 14th.
Make Music Day is the free, outdoor music festival celebrated worldwide on the Summer Solstice each year. This year, the solstice falls on Wednesday, June 21. Created in Paris, France in 1982 (Fête de la Musique), this is the 41st anniversary of Make Music Day. This worldwide festival has grown to more than 1000 cities, making this the globe’s largest music event.
“Music by the People, for the People.”
Make Music Day features music of all styles, and is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Performances take place in parks, sidewalks, town squares, beaches, front porches and parking lots. Each performance throughout the day is completely free and open to the public. Everyone is invited to join the fun.
This is Make Music Fairfield’s 6th year and is Connecticut’s largest festival.
Since its inception, more than 60 venues and 250 performers have participated. Already this year there are over 86 performances scheduled in 24 venues! Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @MakeMusicFairfield to learn more.
All types of Artists are encouraged to sign up. Anyone from students, amateurs, professionals and aspiring artists are all welcome!
Venues can be sidewalk storefronts, front porches, lawns, decks of boats and parking lots, etc.
Once the profiles are created, venues may browse the list of artists and vice versa, each requesting an amount of time from the other for a performance. Requests are accepted or declined at the discretion of the artist, venue or city administrator. Before a performance is finalized, the venue and artist must both accept and agree on the terms. Once approved, the performance is posted to the live, interactive map on the MMD website which the public can view and explore to start planning their Make Music Day itinerary .
To enroll your venue: fairfield.makemusicday.org
To enroll as a musician: fairfield.makemusicday.org
For more information, please contact: fairfield@makemusicday.org
Make Music Fairfield 2023 is brought to the community through the support of Fairfield’s Department of Community and Economic Development, Fairfield Theatre Company, a 501c(3) organization, The Connecticut Department of Economic Community Development and enthusiastic volunteers.