Bridgeport, CT - Homes for the Brave invites everyone to support Veterans by participating in the 9th Annual Step Up for the Brave Challenge. Held on Saturday, August 26 at Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport, CT, this fitness challenge will raise critical funds for Connecticut’s Veterans experiencing homelessness.
All fitness levels are welcome. Participants can choose from a Stair Climb Challenge, climbing 500 arena stairs per round following a guided route, or enter a Walking Challenge, following a specially-designed indoor course. Those who wish to continue the challenge or cannot attend on August 26 may join virtually in the Step Up for the Brave 40,000 Step Challenge, which runs through August 30.
For just $40, participants help Veterans experiencing homelessness one step at a time, and receive a dri-fit event shirt, a light breakfast, and a chance to compete for prizes. Visit https://runsignup.com/stepupforthebrave to register today.
“In every part of America, there are thousands of Veterans experiencing homelessness. We help those in our area return to productive and meaningful lives, and you can too by joining in the fun to help Veterans in need,” said Vince Santilli, CEO/Executive Director of Homes for the Brave.
High-profile sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information visit HomesForTheBrave.org/stepup or contact Mea Allbert at meallbert@homesforthebrave.org or 203-338-0669.
Homes for the Brave would like to thank its generous sponsors to date, including A Friend of Homes for the Brave, Bridgeport Islanders, Haynes Construction, Haynes Group, Sterling Investment Partners, Total Mortgage Arena, Advantage America Paperboard, Connecticut Community Bank, M&T Bank, The Original Vazzy's, Vazzano’s Four Seasons, Wilfredo Perez Jr. Memorial Fund, Avangrid, Knights of Columbus Park City Council #16, Microboard, Ranger Global Advisors, County Electric, Fairfield Rotary, Petit Family Foundation, T. Arduini Co., Inc., Albertus Magnus College, AMR, Bernadette Baldino, Brake Fire Protection, City of Bridgeport, CT Veterans Day Race, Liberty Print, Mutual Security Credit Union, PFK O'Connor Davies, Port 5, Prudential, RDAC, The Schegg Group, and Trumbull Self Storage.