Fairfield, CT - Fairfield has a new rising star and her name is Maya Desai! Maya is 7 1/2 and a third grader at Osborn Hill Elementary School. Maya is an avid reader, and loves to sing and perform for her friends and family. She has performed for the community, too, most recently in Broadway Method Academy’s "Frozen" production in 2019, before the pandemic put a crunch on live shows.
But now her family is excited to announce that she has been cast in the next season of the children's TV show "Go Iguanas" https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8738840/ Maya had two rounds of auditions in early July before she landed a spot on the show. She will play Eden Hill, a student who attends a special school for spies. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, she and the other cast members worked on their scripts together via Zoom. The cast will begin filming at Disney Orlando in December 2021! The show will be available for streaming through Premiere, a family-friendly production company and streaming service.