Fairfield Health Department Hosts Healthy Living Program

Fairfield, CT – 2019 is here. Are you ready to make a change?

The Fairfield Health Department is offering a healthy living program. The program is absolutely FREE for individuals who are looking to lose weight, prevent or manage chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension, or for those who just want to make a healthy lifestyle change. Participants meet in a group setting with trained Lifestyle Coaches and a Registered Dietitian to learn how to make modest lifestyle changes. 

This 13-week program meeting once a week and runs every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm starting January 30 at the Fairfield Regional Fire Training School located at 205 Richard White Way (formerly 205 One Rod Highway). Open to all residents in the greater Fairfield area.

Registration and eligibility are required for this program. If you would like more information or to register for this program please contact Santina Jaronko, Health Educator for the Fairfield Health Department at 203-256-3150 or sjaronko@fairfieldct.org

Contact: Santina Jaronko, MS, CHES - Health Educator

Phone: 203-256-3150 or Email: sjaronko@fairfieldct.org

Submitted by Fairfield, CT

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