State Project 0173-0468 will upgrade the traffic control signal equipment at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 (Post Road) at Route 135 (North Benson Road) and South Benson Road and will include the installation of countdown pedestrian signal heads and sidewalk ramps that meet the latest Federal guidelines. It should be noted that the northwest corner of the intersection contains Jennings Park, a Town Property. Please note that Jennings Park is not part of Jennings Beach. Impacts to the park will be minimal (de minimis) in nature as the aforementioned traffic control signal equipment and pedestrian upgrades at the intersection will be constructed in proximity to the existing pedestrian appurtenance and utility pole locations.
An easement is required from the Town of Fairfield for the area necessary for the sidewalk and sidewalk ramp reconstruction and installation of pedestrian signal equipment on the Jennings Park property. A new mast arm foundation will be constructed within the State’s existing Right-of-Way in the northwest corner. These activities will not adversely affect any of the features of the Park. The impacts to the Park will be limited to minor ground disturbance which will be in proximity to the existing pedestrian appurtenance and utility pole locations. It is anticipated that Jennings Park will remain open during the period of reconstruction.
Please note that this project is in the design phase and the Town won't know when it will start and end until the DOT's pre-construction meeting next year. To view a drawing of the project, please click here.