From our birthday on, we have all had a nurse helping us when we needed them most. Today is Certified Nurses Day.
Hartford CC is ranked number 89 of all towns in Connecticut based on the percentage of workers in the health diagnosing and treating practitioners according to the American Community Survey. Hartford CC has 335 males (23) and 1119 females (77) for a total of 1454 in the health diagnosing and treating category.
In Connecticut, there is a total of 3,079 male nurses and 28,928 female nurses.
This day is to honor nurses worldwide who contribute to better patient outcomes after attaining national board certification. A registered nurse (RN) license allows nurses to practice. Certification affirms advanced knowledge, skill, and practice to meet the challenges of modern nursing according to the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Every March 19, employers, certification boards, education facilities, and healthcare providers celebrate and publicly acknowledge nurses who care enough to earn and maintain the highest credentials in their specialty.
More than 70 organizations participated in the first Certified Nurses Day by signing the proclamation and sponsoring annual events including:
- Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC)
- National Organization for Competency Assurance
- American Nurses Credentialing Center
- Canadian Nurses Association
Tell a Nurse how much they are appreciated!