Samuel Stone, one senses, is used to being overlooked. The assistant to city founder Thomas Hooker, Stone is the reason Hartford is Hartford: he was born in Hertford, England in 1602 and when it came time to change Sukiaug to something a little more respectable, Stone's hometown got the honor. But while Hooker was lucky enough to have, ahead of his time and through no fault of his own, a name that contemporary people find fun to apply to parades and beer, Samuel Stone is relatively forgettable.
Stone, pointing in the general direction of I-91 and looking very much like a "caption this" contest, is dressed in standard Puritan clothes. On a summer's day, his hat, boots, and voluminous coat look uncomfortably heavy. He could be anyone in early New England history; one has to look at the statue's base to discover that this not just some random guy, like Puritan #4 from a Thanksgiving play, but actually Hartford's own Puritan #2.