Award-winning Pantochino Productions Inc, a professional theatre for family audiences in Milford, will open its season Friday at the MAC, Milford Arts Council, with the new musical "School Spirits." The family-friendly show features nine teenage actors from Connecticut.
“Schools Spirits," by Bert Bernardi and Justin Rugg, is set at the decaying Mockingbird High where a group of students work to save their beloved school, and the three teen-aged ghosts who live within its walls, from the wrecking ball. "We thought this show would be a great opportunity to feature young actors from the Milford area and beyond," said Bernardi. "It's part High School Musical and part Scooby Doo and filled with lots of comedy, eye-popping costumes and fantastic songs," he added.
Playing the students at Mockingbird High are Annabel Wardman (Milford), Fiona Pasley (Seymour), Jaime Lamb (Branford), Delia Canarie (West Hartford), Connor Rizzo (Milford), Nathan Horne (Stratford), Christopher Serrano (Milford), Ali McLaren (West Hartford) and Maya Barnes (Stratford). The teens are joined by three Pantochino company members who play the school staff including Valerie Solli, Hannah Duffy and Jeremy Ajdukiewicz. The show features costumes by Jimmy Johansmeyer, Lighting by Jakob Kelsey, Sound by Tyler Kittleman and is stage managed by Christina Ronquillo.