In this installment of Minute with Mayor, Milford Mayor Ben Blake meets with Meg Giannotti of ArtFish42 to discuss the Fairy Frolic scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 2018.
View Minute with the Mayor here
The Fourth- Annual Walnut Beach Fairy Frolic
Wednesday: June 20 6-8 p.m.
Did you know that there are fairies who live in Walnut Beach? ’Tis true! The wee folk love the natural beauty of our beach neighborhood and have made their homes here for many a year. To find them you need but look with eyes that seek magic and a heart that believes.
This fourth-annual Fairy Frolic promises to be a night of fairy-filled family fun here in Walnut Beach—and everyone (yes, that means children and adults) is encouraged to come dressed in her/his finest fairy attire.
Start the evening off by flitting into Artfish42, where you will be given your fairy name by King Oberon and Queen Titania, a goodie bag that the fairies have left for you and a map of the neighborhood with some helpful hints to get you started on your quest.
Every place you spy a tiny door is where a fairy lives. Some fairy doors are inside Walnut Beach’s shops, others are out in the great outdoors. Some are decorated so that you can see them clearly, while others will be a little bit more of a challenge to find.
Once you find the doors (legend has it that more than 40 fairies call Walnut Beach home), it is said that if you leave a small treasure at a fairy’s doorstep (perhaps a small flower, a sparkling rock or a pretty shell from the beach) the fairies will reward you with sweet dreams that very night.
This free event is a celebration of summer and a special "thank you" to all of you from Artfish42 for supporting us and our mission to keep the arts alive in our beautiful beach community.
All are welcome...rumor has it that Tinkerbelle herself will be here to celebrate with us!
Remember: All you need is Faith, Trust and a little Fairy Dust!