Devon Rotary has announced its officers and directors for 2022-23
Serving as president of the Club will be Jason Jenkins, with Joseph Rousseau serving as president-elect. Serving as vice president will be Donald Anderson III, with Paula Demirjian serving as club secretary. Sue Shields will serve again as finance director and Vincent Lambiase as treasurer. Serving as sergeant-at-arms will be Anthony Andriolas.
Serving as assistant secretary will be Paul Otzel, with Angela Gallagher and Mark Krom serving as assistant sergeants-at-arms.
Serving as directors on the Club’s Board, in addition to the club officers, will be Scott Moulton, Brian Parke, Sue Lambiase, Erika Shea, and Tracey Lee Edwards, the Club’s immediate past president. All terms will be for one year.
At its recent installation ceremony, the Club also honored Gary Montano, owner of Montano Cigarette, Candy and Tobacco, with its Evio Giovanelly Award, which annually goes to a non-Rotarian, in recognition of his or her extensive community service benefitting the City of Milford.
Devon Rotary is a group of area business professionals who volunteer their time to raise funds and perform community service. The Club is one of the more than 34,000 clubs worldwide, with a total global membership of 1.2 million. Rotary International’s mission is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and non-sectarian organization open to all regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or political preference.
For further information about Devon Rotary and Rotary International, visit www.rotary.org or www.devonrotary.org.