Milford Police report that today, Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at approximately 12:20 AM a serious motor vehicle collision was reported in the area of Old Gate Lane near the I-95 North Exit 40 Off-Ramp.
The collision was found to involve a 2002 Honda Civic operated by Karissa Denigris, 29, of Stratford. The operator of the Honda was driving north on Old Gate Lane with passenger Cody Henry, 24, of Summerfield, Florida, riding on top of the vehicle, police say.
According to the Police Report, Cody Henry fell from the vehicle in the area of the I-95 North Exit 40 off-ramp. Cody Henry was transported to Yale-New Haven Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
An investigation by the Milford Police Traffic Unit is still ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to please contact PFC Dan Hemperly at (203) 783-4792.