The New Canaan Swap Shop at the Transfer Station has officially opened.
Thursday through Saturday, from 9am to 1pm, the Swap Shop is open to all Transfer Station pass holders. When the Swap Shop is open, pass holders can drop off or pick up usable items - “swapping” is not necessary. According to Tiger Mann, Director of Public Works, “The Swap Shop is another initiative the town is implementing to encourage recycling and reduce waste. The Swap Shop will help the town earn points for Sustainable CT recertification, which is an added bonus .”
The Swap Shop is staffed by volunteers through Planet New Canaan. Planet New Canaan also works with local nonprofits, organizations and teachers who can come and "shop" at the Swap Shop. For a full list of accepted items at the Swap Shop, visit Also, follow @newcanaanswapshop on Instagram for inventory updates though items do change quickly.
In the picture (L-R), Conservation Commission Chair Chris Schipper, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan, Robin Bates-Mason and Kaite Owsley of Planet New Canaan, Director of Public Works, Tiger Mann.