Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT Forest Street College Counseling!
Four questions with Meg Joyce, founder of Forest Street College Counseling.
Why did you start your business?
I started my college counseling business to purposefully guide more high school students and their families in a calm, sequential manner so they are prepared to explore, apply to, and choose colleges where they will thrive. We empower students to feel proud of who they are, what they have accomplished, and where they are going.
We are committed to our core values of accessibility, excellence, growth, and calm. Families turn to Forest Street College Counseling to reduce the stress and confusion surrounding the college application process. We offer affordable rates and engage motivated families to share the work as desired. For students with mild learning differences or anxiety, we assess college support so they, too, can have a positive, successful college experience. And we ourselves are accessible – we are real, responsive people who are eager to discuss all the questions and concerns that are part of every college journey. We stay on top of developments at the industry, college, and program levels on a daily basis.
What is your best-selling product/service?
All of our college counseling services are provided via Zoom. Students appreciate the flexibility that remote work offers, especially during the super hectic time that is the Fall of senior year. Students start working with us any time between 8th grade and the start of 12th grade. When students start earlier, we work on high school course selection, and summer and activity planning; with older students, we tackle these items as well as a standardized testing plan, college list development, college application review, and college essay coaching. We get to know students and parents and take great care to factor academic, social, and financial fit into the college application process.
For standardized test prep, we provide references to local tutors who have proven results and are a joy to work with. Longtime New Canaan resident Richard Corn (Math Tutor CT) is the author of several popular books on SAT and ACT math prep and one of my go-to resources for families. I’ve lived in the area for nearly 30 years, raised my four children here and sent them to local public and independent schools, have deep roots in New Canaan, and appreciate every local client who comes my way.
Have you "reimagined" your small business?
Every student receives fully-customized college counseling services, which means we are constantly reimagining our business. Learning about students’ unique interests, strengths, weaknesses and goals is our favorite part of the job.
Meg would like to nominate Caroline Hays Home Organization to be featured next - "I recently worked with Caroline on a complicated move for my own family. She helped me get organized on the front end, packed and unpacked boxes, set up my kitchen, bedrooms, and baths, and solved all of my storage challenges. Caroline also works wonders with messy kitchen cabinets, linen closets, you name it – Caroline will set up a system that is not only attractive but more importantly, makes sense. If you’ve ever wished Martha Stewart would come to your home and transform your cabinets and closets into works of art, you can call Caroline instead!"!
Visit Forest Street College Counseling online here!
HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!