Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT The Rustic Mermaid!
Meet Christina Callahan founder of The Rustic Mermaid.
Why did you start your business?
I started my business during the COVID lockdown. It started as a hobby that relaxed me during times of uncertainty and I wanted to find a way to help others but felt helpless not being able to go anywhere. I thought about people in homeless shelters and the effects the pandemic was having on them. So I decided to sell my shell art and donate proceeds back to both local and national organizations that supported those experiencing homelessness. Each shell would provide a meal to someone who needed it. That’s been my fuel to come up with new creative ways to upcycle shells - that’s it’s helping someone who needs it.
What is your best-selling product/service?
My best seller is the Quahog Shell trinket dish. Customers love it because it’s lightly painted with gold trim to accentuate the natural beauty of the shell. Custom design orders are also popular, especially around the holidays!
How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?
I get a lot of my oyster shells from Copps Island Oysters and local beaches up and down the East Coast. Stamford Downtown also hosts a craft fair - Arts & Crafts on Bedford - twice a year in June and September. Love attending this fair where I get to meet other small business owners, artists and craft enthusiasts in the community.
Check out my Etsy page and follow me on Instagram! Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheRusticMermaidShop Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rusticmermaidcreations/?hl=en
Have you reimagined your small business?
I took my craft from a hobby to a small business - selling in local retail shops, craft fairs and extending into e-commerce through my Etsy page. To see more check out my Etsy page and follow me on Instagram! Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheRusticMermaidShop Instagram: The Rustic Mermaid (@rusticmermaidcreations)
Questions? Email therusticmermaidshop@gmail.com