Kerry James Marshall in Print, presented by Art Historian Susan Tallman at New Canaan Library on Dec. 7

New Canaan Library hosts Susan Tallman on Thursday, December 7 at 7pm in the Jim & Dede Bartlett Auditorium.

Named by the Time 100 list as one of the most influential people in the world, painter and printmaker Kerry James Marshall is known for his stunning representations of African American life, centering Black subjects to address the Western art historical canon’s “lack in the image bank”. Though best known as a painter, Marshall has throughout his career also produced a vast graphic oeuvre that has been seldom seen and documented. 

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Art historian and author Tallman will examine Marshall’s unique oeuvre, highlighting the role of printed images and print processes in his work as a whole. Her catalogue raisonné of Marshall’s graphic work offers the first public account and in-depth study of these important works.


Submitted by New Canaan, CT

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