Susan Chapman becomes New Fairfield’s New First Selectman

photo by New Fairfield Republican Town Committee 


Earlier this month New Fairfield First Selectman of 8 years, John Hodge, formally resigned from his position, effective this May 25th 2013. His speedy step down came after the tragic bombing at the Boston Marathon which has inspired him to redirect the focus of his services towards the Tunnels to Towers Foundation. The foundation was instituted to honor the many brave heroes of our country and in the name of New York City Fire Fighter Stephen Siller, John Hodge's cousin, who was killed at Ground Zero. Hodge is currently Director of Operations for the foundation. Tunnels to Towers offers aid to Hurricane Sandy victims, helps to provide smart homes to disabled veterans, awards scholarships, provides support to children affected by Katrina and has many ongoing plans for the future.

"This decision came down to how I can best is for this reason I will resign as first selectman for the town of New Fairfield," said John Hodge.

At the May 9th meeting where Hodge announced his resignation he also expressed his appreciation for the support the town and his fellow selectman have has shown him and the deep connection he feels as a New Fairfield resident to the town.

" I have truly loved being the first selectman," he said.

As a result of his resignation, his two fellow selectman, Susan Chapman and Mike Gill, were left to decide amongst themselves who would step into the position. If they were not able to come to a decision, the vote would go to the town's five elected officials, however the two were able to agree.

This morning Tuesday, May 28th 2013, Susan Chapman was motioned into position as New Fairfield's new First Selectman. John Hodge will fill the vacancy on the Board of Selectman during the transitional period until November.

This is Susan's complete biography, very nicely written two years ago by the New Fairfield Republican Town Committee. Because it was written two years ago some of the dates may need to be slightly altered.



Susan Chapman and her family have lived in Connecticut for over 13 years, ten of those in New Fairfield. Susan and her husband, Ken, have been married for twenty-one years. They have three children: Blake, a junior at Johns Hopkins University studying Biomedical Engineering; Ryan, a freshman at the US Military Academy at West Point; and Grace, a freshman at New Fairfield High School.

Susan has served as a member of the Board of Selectman for the past two years. Prior to serving as a Selectman, Susan served on the Planning Commission for four years and Chairman of the Commission for two of those years. During her time on the commission, she worked hard to ensure that New Fairfield maintained a vision that promoted conservation and managed growth to preserve the rural character of our town and protect Candlewood Lake. This included advocating for "open space" and championing the goal of having a "green belt" through New Fairfield. Susan also worked closely with the First Selectman to address issues concerning the seniors and residents of Dunham Pond relating to safety.

Susan has a long record of service to the schools and community. As a supporter of the schools, Susan has served in various capacities to include New Fairfield High School PTO Co-President and Middle School PTO President. Susan can be regularly seen volunteering in the schools in such activities as team parent, college/career center and post grad committee among many others.

As a supporter of the community, Susan has been active with the Community Service Club for the past eight years. During this time, she has chaired many events that have helped people and organizations in New Fairfield. As a previous board member of Preserve New Fairfield, Susan recognized the need to preserve the town's history and worked to save historically significant homes. Susan has also been a vocal advocate of moving New Fairfield forward by her support of the Senior Center, needed school improvements and other initiatives that have added value to the town while keeping taxes low.

Susan is a graduate of the University of Georgia and, prior to moving to Connecticut from Alaska, she was a school teacher and a proud "Army Wife." While her husband, Ken, served as an Army officer for over 8 years, Susan was actively involved in family support groups, helping families of soldiers. She was also a part of Army Family Team Building which organized classes to help young military families cope with the many issues they faced. Susan has always made it a priority to give back to her community no matter where she lived.

Susan has a demonstrated record of leadership, and her desire to listen to people and help them is one of her greatest strengths. Her active involvement in the schools, community and town over the years has given her the experience and perspective to keep New Fairfield moving forward. Susan is proud of what has been accomplished in New Fairfield in recent years and looks forward to continuing to serve the town as a Selectman.

-- New Fairfield Republican Town Committee

Submitted by New Fairfield, CT

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