Children's Summer Theater Camp With Robin Frome

Children's Summer Theater Camp With Robin Frome


Students will be learning and performing several improvisational games and exercises to build and hone their skills as an actor and performer.  Improvisation is a great method of getting the average child up on stage and try out several characters in different scenarios.  As they progress in the performing of these improvs, they will develop a confidence to move on to larger parts in legitimate productions they may be a part of in their theatrical future.  Once they have accomplished a general prowess with each improv, we will be working toward a culminating performance open to parents and friends to show off their skills and talents.

 Register Today!

July 6th - July 30th 

Mondays- Thursdays

9 AM - 2PM

2 Week and 4 Week Program Available

​Ages 6-12

Submitted by New Fairfield, CT

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