The New Fairfield Lions Club once again presented a great July 4th Parade on Thursday. The parade started just north of the Senior Center on Rt 37, continued south on Rt 37 and turned onto Brush Hill Road and ended in front of Town Hall.
The parade started at 9:30 am after participants and the public enjoyed a Pancake Breakfast prepared and served by Boy Scout Troop 42 at the Senior Center. They were led along the route by the Color Guard of the New Fairfield Veterans Association. They were joined by the local political committees along with the Housatonic Valley Corvette Club. Other parade participants included the local boy and girl scouts troops, several area Fire Departments joined the NFFD in marching as well. The Sherman FD & Putnam Lake FD amongst them.
The Parade has become an annual tradition in NF and the crowds get bigger every year as do the amount of groups that participate in the parade. Visit the New Fairfield HamletHub Facebook page for phots of the parade.