On Friday, September 8, 2023, the official start of Wooster School’s 98th year began. As is our tradition, we came together as a community for Convocation, and this year on Coburn Lawn.
Head of School, Matt Byrnes, welcomed the community and then introduced Nik Palmisano, Senior Prefect, who led everyone in the school prayer. Continuing in a time-honored tradition, Senior Prefect, Amelia Vail, led everyone in the reciting of the School Honor Code. Tradition continued as we celebrated Crayons to Commencement. Students who began their Wooster School careers in the Lower School, and are now seniors, were recognized. The nine seniors were each presented with a box of crayons, symbolic of their early days on the campus of Wooster School.
The students recognized were: Alex Byrnes, Manny Carreras, Anica Diaz, Alexa Dominguez, Ava Honeycutt, Nik Palmisano, Will Thaler, Amelia Vail, and Jack Zahner.
Convocation concluded with a musical presentation which was performed by Upper School musicians, singers, and faculty members.
To learn more, visit http://www.woosterschool.org/ or contact Wooster School Admissions at (203) 830-3916.