Time to Press the Refresh Button in Your Life

Can you imagine! We are almost five months into 2014? Not very long ago on January 1st, we were busy creating our vision boards and goal posters for a more productive and successful year. I am hearing from several people who are already unhappy about the outcomes of their plans. It is ok to press the refresh button as many time as you desire. Here are few tips to help you along. a. Never give up on “YOU” no matter what. You must believe in yourself even when no one else does. b. Keep a journal and record your thoughts daily. Those who write things down are the ones who manifest their greatest dreams. c. Find an accountability buddy who you can bounce things off. It is OK to start over just see the process as pressing the refresh button when there is a need. d. Embrace the season you are in or going through. Take the time to learn the lessons of that season, you will gain the benefits of moving forward instead of being STUCK. e. Reward yourself for small progress. f. Get in the habit of expressing gratitude every opportunity you get. g. LOVE yourself unconditionally…LOVING yourself is your birthright and your only chance of experiencing true HAPPINESS. h. You are your total RESPONSIBILITY…never forget that. Do not play the BLAME game. i. Take time to LAUGH hysterically by yourself and with yourself. And watch your life turn around. Press The Refresh Button and Route for YOU because you are a WINNER.

http://www.facebook.com/DynamicDaphne http://www.daphneclarkehudsonempowers.com

Submitted by New Milford, CT

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