Kicking Off Your New Year with Tips from RVNAhealth

As the new year kicks off our RVNAhealth health and wellness experts offer a few simple tips and gifts of wisdom if you’re looking for a change.

From nutrition and exercise to doing good, feeling good, being prepared, and nourishing your spiritual side – we hope you find one or more tips to help you make the most of your new year!

Eat Well: Protect your health and your wallet this new year by avoiding gimmicks, fad diets and trending supplements. Instead, follow these evidence-based nutrition tips: eat whole, unprocessed, plant-based foods; eat 5-8 different fruits and veggies per day; and eat a minimum of 35g of fiber.

Exercise: Just get moving…in any capacity! Starting is the hardest part. Keys to success: make sure it’s something you enjoy, put it on your calendar, make it convenient and get an accountability buddy.

Feel Good: Scheduling your annual wellness exams can take a lot of work. To make things simpler and ensure nothing slips through the cracks, designate one month each year to making calls to schedule all your annual exams.  This will help ensure you stay on track with your well visits!

Do Good: Did you know 96% of people who volunteer say it enriches their sense of purpose? Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, but it also can benefit your overall health and well-being!

Spiritual: We care for our bodies by eating right and exercise, but what do you do to care for your soul? Consider one or more of the following in the new year: meditation, journaling, attending services at a house of worship, stopping to appreciate your higher power, or prayer.

Be Prepared: Peace of mind comes when things are in order. Have you thought about your wishes for future care and how to get started? Some great resources exist to help get the conversation started can be found at and 

Most important is to talk about your wishes with those that matter to you!

Submitted by New Milford, CT

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