Yale science communication: There's More to the Messenger, The Wonderful World of RNA is presented via webinar from New Canaan Library

While DNA seems to consistently grab the spotlight when it comes to genetics, RNA has an equally vital, but often undervalued, role. New Canaan Library is pleased to host a virtual presentation by Yale Science Communication, speaking on the topic “There’s More to the Messenger: the Wonderful World of RNA.” Tune in to the lecture on Thursday, June 16 at 7:00 PM EST. Zoom sign in information will be provided upon registration at newcanaanlibrary.org.

Have you appreciated your RNA lately? This tiny molecule is busy sending messages inside each of our cells, and that’s not all. Yale’s June Science in the News talk presents graduate students Matthew Steinsaltz, Brahmmi Patel, and Mikey Grunst discussing a few of the many ways in which RNA is more than just a messenger. The panel will explain how RNA is being used in exciting new technologies for gene editing; how RNA contributes to some dangerous diseases; and how RNA viruses and vaccines have changed history.

Yale Science Communication is an organization of graduate students and postdoctoral individuals passionate about science communication, education, and advocacy. They deliver talks on current topics in science, ranging from the microbiome to the feasibility of a real-life

Jurassic Park. Their goal is to make science fun and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds and provide a better understanding of the science underpinning many of the complex issues in the news every day.

Submitted by New Canaan, CT

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