Every once in a while a book comes along that changes you. It changes how you see the world, it touches your heart and opens your eyes. It makes you question things, it makes you think. This week, I met Iva, Stella, Ruby, Julia and George. Within moments of opening this book and diving in, I knew these characters would stay with me long after I finished this book. When I sat down to write this, I asked myself how many times I could use the words “brilliant,” “profound,” and “amazing” without them losing their power because this book really is that special.
“The One and Only Ivan” by Katherine Applegate is the story of a gorilla named Ivan and two elephants, Stella and Ruby, who live in cages in a shopping mall. Ivan was captured as a baby and raised by the owner of the mall. Once Ivan grew too large to live in the owner’s home, he was moved to a cage in the mall. He lived in this cage for 27 years. Stella is an elephant who was bought from a circus. She too is kept in a cage in the mall. Ivan is an artist who draws, and later paints, pictures that are sold at the mall. Stella is forced to put on a show performing tricks for the crowds every single day. Stella falls ill, and the owner buy a young elephant to replace her. As Stella gets sicker, she asks Ivan, her dear friend, to promise her that Ruby, the young elephant, will not spend her whole life in a cage. Ivan promises, and although it seems impossible, he is determined to find a way to save Ruby.
Applegate introduces us to George and his daughter, Julia. George works cleaning the mall. Julia seems to understand Ivan in a way other humans don’t, and Ivan finds a way to ask Julia for help. Despite the fear of losing his job, George helps Julia try to save Ivan and Ruby.
While I felt angry that humans could be so uncaring and hold an animal in a cage for 27 years in a mall, Applegate managed to restore my faith in the kindness of humans through George and Julia. While this book is written for children, it is one of the most brilliant books I have read. Ivan’s words might seem simple, but their meaning is so deep and powerful.
“I’ve learned to understand human words over the years, but understanding human speech is not the same as understanding humans.” – Ivan
Ivan was a real gorilla who lived in a cage in a shopping mall for 27 years. In that time, he never saw another gorilla. Thankfully, the real Ivan finally got moved to a zoo and spent his final years with other gorillas. Although this book is fiction, it is inspired by the real Ivan.
This book will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you angry. It will make you sad. It will make you smile. It will make you believe in friendship. It will make you believe in promises. It will make you think. While many adults may miss this profound book because it is on the children’s shelf, I wish copies would be kept in the adult section of every library as well, as I believe every adult should read this book. While adults may get caught up in the fact that it is told in “first person Gorilla,” one needs to move beyond that and realize how powerful this book really is. The moment I finished reading my library copy of the book, I immediately ordered my own copy. This is a book I will reread many times over. It will join “Charlotte’s Web” on that shelf of really special, life changing books. I am so grateful my daughter recommended it to me to read, and I hope those of you reading this article pick up a copy and meet my favorite Gorilla, Ivan.