Gov. Malloy Announces Open Space Grants That Will Preserve Nearly 2,005 Acres of Land in 23 Towns Across Connecticut. One grant will go to protect open space in Sherman.
According to a press release, 6.05 million in state grants are being awarded to 23 municipalities across Connecticut to support the purchase of 2,005 acres of land that will be preserved as open space.
Located in northern Sherman south of Ten Mile River, a grant of $76,500 will be used to 37.83-acre.83 acres of undeveloped land that abuts land currently protected by Naromi Land Trust (142 ac.) and Federal Land associated with the Appalachian Trail (255 ac.). The property is a mix of hardwood/hemlock forest, steep slopes, stone walls, wooded wetland (3 ac.), vernal pool, rock outcroppings, and vistas of the Housatonic River.
Malloy said, “Connecticut’s tradition of preserving open space has helped define our landscape and preserve its important natural resources and geographical beauty,” Governor Malloy said. “These grants continue our open space preservation legacy and will increase the availability of open space for our residents across our state.”
The press release stated that the grants are being awarded through the Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition program, which is administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and assists local governments, land trusts, and water companies in purchasing open space using funding from the Community Investment Act and state bond funds. This grant program requires match by the grant recipient and requires the open space land be protected by a conservation and public recreation easement, ensuring that the property is forever protected for public use and enjoyment.
A list of additional towns award grants to protect open space can be found here.