Petition for Multi-Purpose Turf Field in New Fairfield

New Fairfield residents have launched a Petition  to gain support for the installation of a turf field in New Fairfield. Thus far, 298 people, 263 of whom live in New Fairfield, have signed the Petition.

The Petition reads, "A community project to construct a small (approximately 200 feet by 100 feet) multi-purpose turf field located on an existing grass field behind Rebel Turf field has been proposed to the town of New Fairfield.  This project is completely self-funded due to fundraising efforts led by a junior at New Fairfield High School, Noah Alviti, and the generous contributions of residents of the community."

The Petition also states that First Selectman Susan Chapman is opposed to the project.

The New Fairfield Board of Selectman will vote on April 14 to approve or reject this project. 

Those in favor of the project plead, "We need your vote to demonstrate the support of the extended New Fairfield community for this additional turf field!" 

View and sign the Petition here.

Submitted by New Fairfield, CT

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