News from St. Edward the Confessor Church in New Fairfield

Rosary Prayer Service with the blessing of Roses will be on Wed. Oct.17th at 7:00pm in the church. Please bring your roses and join us!

The Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest will be held on October 19th from 5:30 PM to to 7 PM in the church hall. Advanced ticket purchase is available $9 for adults $5 for children 12&under. Tickets will be available at the door but we encourage you preregister so we can plan ahead for food quantity. Door tickets are $11  for adults; $5 for children 12&under; Family of four maximum is $27. Registration form is available at the church office or in your weekly bulletin.All proceeds will go towards the Knights College Scholarship Fund for college bound seniors.

Fr. Larry Carew will be at St. Edward’s for a: Mass of Healing on Monday, October 22, at 7:00 pm. Fr. Carew is founder of the Community of the Cross Ministries in Danbury, has authored two books on prayer and inner healing, and currently has a powerful prison ministry. He works faithfully to bring into the Church a living faith rooted in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the fullness of all God has for us. Healing prayer and confessions will be available after Mass. Any offerings made will go to support the needs of the Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Bridgeport.

THEOLOGY ON TAP – Join us Thursday, October 18, at 7:30 pm at the Irish Cultural Center, 6 Lake Ave in Danbury. Adults (21+) are invited. The topic this month is “What Does It Mean to Be Unbound?” It is free to attend. Food and drinks are available for purchase. Feel free to come alone or bring friends. Fr. Sean Kulacz the Parochial Vicar at St. Mary Ridgefield will be the presenter.

Catholic Young Adults of Greater Danbury, (18 – 35), will gather on Saturday, October 20, at Lake Compounce in Bristol. Join us as we go on the rides and get scared at Haunted Graveyard! The carpool will leave from Sacred Heart, 46 Stone St., Danbury, at 3:30 pm to arrive at the park for 5:00 pm. Please RSVP to

Glory Gatherings invites you on Tuesday mornings after the 9:00am mass in Room B. Come join in prayer. Special prayer intentions are shared at end of each gathering. The Holy Spirit Prayer uses His Gifts and follows Him with His Oil of Grace and Fire. Jesus asked for the Fire of the Holy Spirit and for true worshipers in the Spirit and Life. All are welcome!

The next Prayer Shawl meeting is: Sat., October 20th from 9-11:00 am in CR C. All skill levels welcome we are always looking for new members! Please join us! We are currently working on two projects if you wish to participate from home: Visit the St. Edward’s website under Family/Outreach tab- Prayer shawl for patterns. Breathe Easy Care Package Program: making soft baby blankets for children with Laryngomalacia, a disorder that affects the larynx (voice box) of infants causing respiration issues. Handmade with Love Operation Gratitude: making scarves and hats for military care packages for active and retired veterans. Helping us to remember with each; those who serve and their sacrifice.

MAGNIFICAT a Ministry to Catholic Women invites you to a prayer breakfast on Saturday November 10, 9:30-12:30 at Ethan Allen Hotel, 21 Lake Ave Ext, Danbury, CT 06811, Our speaker is Laila , as she gives her testimony on her conversion back to the Catholic Church. Cost $25 Pre-register by Saturday, November 1st. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information, call Fran Hood at 203-744-1856 or Invitation available on Bridgeport Diocese Website under Woman’s Ministry section, also tickets are available on Eventbrite

Parish Counseling Dr. Dan Joynt Ph. D. is a WCSU professor and a CT Licensed Professional Counselor working with individuals, couples and families. Specializing in Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Stress, Relationship and Communication issues. He can be reached either at 860-354-9164 or by a message to the Parish Office 203-746-2200. There is no cost for a first session. Special consideration is available for subsequent services.

Phone: 203-746-2200




Submitted by New Fairfield, CT

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