Governor Ned Lamont today announced that on March 19, his administration will host CareerCONN 2020, Connecticut’s largest career and occupational expo, at Dunkin’ Donuts Park in Hartford.
The inaugural event will feature career track workshops and representatives from occupational schools that last year graduated 9,000 students into professions in healthcare, manufacturing, computers, culinary arts, hairdressing, automotive, construction and more. It will also feature presentations from the state’s industry leaders who need skilled workers in these fields.
“From record hiring at Electric Boat to growth in our state’s bioscience sector, there has never been a more exciting time to begin pursuing career in healthcare, manufacturing or information technology in Connecticut,” Governor Lamont said. “CareerCONN 2020 will showcase opportunities available through the state’s many independent postsecondary occupational schools.”
CareerCONN is being organized by the Connecticut Office of Higher Education, which has delivered invitations to every school district in the state, and is also reaching out to adult learners and veterans who are looking to switch to a new career.
Larson stressed that CareerCONN 2020 is not a job fair, stating, “It is an opportunity to learn more about careers that don’t require four years of college but yet give people the tools and skills they need to earn a good living.”
Registration will open at 8:00 a.m., and the expo will run from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Career track workshops will run each hour beginning at 10:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m.
Additional details on CareerCONN 2020 can be found by visiting www.careerconn.org or by calling the state Office of Higher Education at 860-947-1801.