Barking Back at Barking Dogs

Recently, I spent a good part of the day doing yard work. During this time, I repeatedly heard a neighbor yelling at his dog to stop barking. His yelling was frequent and varied, often escalating to a very strident level in order to get his dog to shut up, though it was always only temporary.

I don't know what was triggering the dog's barking, nor do I know the neighbor or the dog. What I do know, however, is that the yelling was not an effective strategy long-term. I say this because the yelling had to be repeated many times over the day.

But here's the thing: in the moment, when a dog shuts up after we yell, the behavior of yelling is reinforced by the quiet that ensues, even if it doesn't last for a long time. The science of learning is clear on this matter. Reinforced behaviors maintain or strengthen over time.

Towards the end of the day, a level of exhaustion developed in the man's tone of voice. His yelling faded to angry muttering. The barking over the course of the day had taken its toll. I feel for him because I'm extremely sensitive to barking myself. It really jangles my nerves.

So what can we do about barking? What strategies work long-term?

The first step to resolving barking is to figure out WHY a particular dog is doing it. Differing triggers for barking require different strategies to resolve it. Here's a brief overview to why a dog may bark:

  • Boredom
  • Alone-time anxiety
  • Startle over novel stimuli
  • Frustration at not being able to access something desired
  • A way to alert about 'trespassers' on or near property
  • A fearful dog's way of making a 'scary thing' go away

Once you know what's triggering the barking, you can design a plan to address it. The most successful plans typically tackle barking from a variety of angles. Here are a few of those angles:

  • Adequate playtime and exercise – helps to address boredom, excess energy, frustration.
  • Enrichment – for example, food puzzles can keep a dog contentedly occupied rather than being hyper-vigilant about environmental stimuli that usually trigger barking.
  • Training of alternative, replacement behaviors that make barking impossible – for example, a dog who learns to fetch a favorite plush toy when the doorbell rings will have a hard time barking with that in his mouth. A dog with a stellar come-when-called cannot run the fence line barking at neighbors.
  • Management – for example, blocking the dog's view through a window where he typically parks himself to bark at stuff.
  • Desensitization and counter-conditioning – helps to build a dog's confidence, reduce fearfulness or anxiety, change emotional response to whatever stimuli disturb the dog. In cases like these, it's best to work with a professional trainer/behavior counselor to be sure you are designing and implementing these protocols precisely and effectively.

Bottom line: it's important to objectively assess whatever strategy you're using to address barking. If you find yourself continuing to have to use it, without seeing a long-term reduction in barking, it's time to dig deeper and find a more effective solution. Please seek the help of a professional trainer if you feel stuck or frustrated. We can help!

- Virginia Dare, Brewster, NY

Virginia Dare is a dog trainer & behavior counselor with decades of experience. Her business offers remote consultations anywhere in the US for matchmaking services, and pre- and post-puppy arrival counseling. She also provides in-home, private lessons and behavior consultations in northern Fairfield and Westchester counties, Putnam and southern Dutchess counties. Please visit to learn more, or contact me at 804.784.0120


Submitted by New Fairfield, CT

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