Road Name Type of Work to be performed Estimate project duration
Farview Drive Drainage 3 Weeks
Maltbie Road Reclaim and Pave 2 Weeks
Sugar Lane Tree Trimming 2 Days
Williams Lane Tree Trimming 3 Days
Narragansett Trail Overlay 3 Days
Checkerberry Lane Overlay 1 Day
Equestrian Ridge Replace Catch Basins Tops 1 Week
Upcoming Roadwork
Brushy Hill Drainage 3 Weeks
Littlebrook Lane Reclaim and Pave 1 Weeks
Washington Mill & Pave 1 Week
Shelly Road Overlay 2 Days
Eden Hill Road Drainage 3 Weeks
Weather and emergencies can alter this schedule
Expect delays during construction
Be cautious in work areas, vehicles enter work zones at their own risk.