Rooster Ball returns Sept. 12

The Rooster Ball, set for September 12, 7 to 11 p.m., to be held under the "big tent" at the Newtown Arts Festival, returns this year with more music, more food and a bigger tent. Eugene Dobbs' Ultimate Nu Cullers band will be returning. Everyone's invited and, at the same time, it's a uniquely Newtown event. Access for tickets at $75 per person with $560 for a table of eight. Cash bar)

The flowers are being done by Flowers de Jardin, a Newtown company," co-chair Andrea Spencer noted "and the caterer, Tony Galucci, lives in Newtown."

The event draws volunteers and attendees from all over. Sara Brazer, of Peony Event Planners in New Milford, is in her second year of contributing her time. "It was a challenge at the beginning" she said. "Normally a client gives me a blank slate to crate their event. This time, it was Newtown and it was the Rooster Ball before I got there."

The first year, she noted, there was so much to be done at the last minute, tables to be set up and flatware to be sorted. She was on her way home to change, and turned back at the last minute when she decided she didn't have the time. When she returned to the venue, she said," everything has been sprites?"

"This year, I'm returning because it's now family." Sara said. "The Rooster Ball reflects the Arts Festival and we bring that art to life." Dress for the event? Dress Fun, Festive with Flair – Tuxes or kilts!

Submitted by Newtown, CT

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