Not Your Grandma’s Books

Looking for a novel approach to buying books? Try The Little Book Store at Booth Library.

That's where volunteers Toni Earnshaw and Marge Gingolaski get their latest reads. And Marge knows a little something about books—she reads 5 or 6 a week.

Why would you go anywhere else than The Little Book Store? The books are like new, they're bargain-basement prices, and the proceeds go to help the library. Whether you like mysteries, histories or comedies, you'll find 'em there.

And we're not talking about your grandma's old books. We're talkin' Sandra Brown's latest nail-biter, Low Pressure, Steve Jobs biography, or cookbooks without gravy stains. And yes, maybe even 50 Shades of Grey or Chelsea Handler's latest laugh.  Of course, if you want, you can get the Jobs bio at Walmart for $31 instead of paying $5 at the library. It's your money, after all.

Got kids? Plenty of books for them, too. Like CD's and DVD's? They've been inspected, and they're waiting for you to take them home.

One book that caught my eye is called Life's Simple Pleasures. Like morning coffee, singing in the shower, fishing at the lake, and a walk down Main Street, The Little Book Store is one of Newtown's simple pleasures.



Submitted by Newtown, CT

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