Rev. Jeff Couture to leave Immaculate High School for position at WCSU

Today, Superintendent of Schools at the Diocese of Bridgeport, Sister Mary Grace Walsh, ASCJ, announced that Immaculate High School Chaplin, Father Jeff Couture, will be assuming full-time responsibilities in the Campus Ministry at Western CT State University beginning October 1. "We will be forever grateful for the life, vibrancy, spirituality, and friendship that he has brought to Immaculate," remarked Immaculate High School President, Mary R. Maloney.

Deacon Jeff Font who currently serves at St. Joseph in Brookfield, has been assigned by the Most Rev. Frank J. Caggiano to Immaculate High School. We feel very blessed to have Deacon Jeff join us as our new Episcopal Deacon Chaplain and look forward to him fulfilling his ministry as he continues so much of the good work that has been done for the benefit of our students, teachers and families," said Maloney. 

*Image courtesy of IHS Facebook page.

Submitted by Newtown, CT

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