Newtown Storm Recovery Information
Our Emergency Management Team is working with Eversource to coordinate Make Safe operations in town to first open roads that are completely cut off by downed trees and wires and then to open roads with obstructions. Regretfully as of this morning, there are at least 50 roads that are blocked. Resolving blocked roads is the primary focus before meaningful restoration can begin.
We recommend you check with Eversource as to estimates for your specific power restoration. We hope to have better clarity later today or tomorrow as to timing for the town. Based on the extent of the damage to our community, and the lack of Eversource crews at present, it is reasonable to assume complete restoration of power will take several days or more.
We will continue to put pressure on Eversource until this is resolved. The Emergency Management Team remains in constant contact and will reconvene later today and every day and will provide additional updates.
Newtown’s First Selectman and the Emergency Management Office continue to urge residents to be safe and stay informed. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Safety First:
- Do not use outside cooking equipment inside. Keep generator exhaust away from residence.
- Stay away from power lines.
- Assume all power lines are charged and dangerous.
- Use extreme caution when cleaning up storm debris.
- Storm damaged trees are very hazardous.
- Do not drive through barricades and road closures.
Residents can come to locations listed below to seek relief/assistance (COVID 19 has not left us – please – Be sure to social distance, and wear a mask when you can’t.)
Charging Stations
Cell phone/electronic equipment charging/WiFi:
The Municipal Center, located at Fairfield Hills is open Mon thru Fri 7 am to 9 pm
Newtown Community Center at 8 Simpson Road at Fairfield Hills, Mon thru Fri 7 am - 9 pm
Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook Mon thru Fri 6 am to 9 pm
Cyrenius Booth Library parking lot behind building, 25 Main Street.
Also, please bring your own device adapter and charging cable, and power strip and/or extension cord, if possible.
- Fire houses – Sandy Hook, Hook and Ladder and Botsford – you can fill from a hose, bring your own containers.
- Park & Rec Garage (across from Reed School). Fill from a hose, bring your own containers.
Special Health Needs/Questions Contact Newtown Human Services, tel 203-270-4330 or e-mail
Contact Donna Culbert, Newtown Health District, tel 203-270-4291 or e-mail
After hours tel 203-270-4200
We ask that you please check on any elderly or frail neighbors to be certain they are doing OK.
Important numbers and contact information: If there is a Life Safety Emergency – call 911 Power outage – call 800-286-2000 Code Red – register at Emergency Management on the Public Safety page on the Town of Newtown’s website or call 203-270-4370 for assistance; Smart 911 – register at Emergency Management on the Public Safety page on the Town of Newtown’s website
Check the News tab on the Town website: You can register there too to receive news.
- Connecticut’s free information and referral service: call 2-1-1 or visit
- First Selectman’s office Tel (203) 270-4201
- Emergency Management/Fire Marshal Tel (203) 270-4370
- Newtown Community Center Tel (203) 270-4349
- Newtown Human Services Tel (203) 270-4330
- Newtown Health District Tel (203) 270-4291 Newtown Communications routine line Tel (203) 270-4200