The presentation will recognize Panera Bread, which is among 271 restaurants and food establishments that received a Top Lighthouse Rating from the Health Department this year.
Today, Mayor Harry Rilling, Norwalk Director of Health Deanna D’Amore, and the Norwalk Board of Health will hold the annual presentation of the Health Department’s Top Lighthouse Rating certificates.
The Health Department bases Lighthouse Ratings on Norwalk food establishments’ inspection records and compliance with public health code
guidelines. The Health Department awards Top Lighthouse Ratings to establishments that receive consecutive excellent inspection grades in the
previous year. To publicly recognize the commitment of these top-rated establishments to the public health code safety and sanitary guidelines, the Health
The department presents them with certificates for display. The presentation will recognize Panera Bread, which is among the 271 restaurants
and food establishments that received a Top Lighthouse Rating from the Health Department this year. Certificates went out to all establishments last week. In 2019, 58% of eligible restaurants received this award.
and food establishments that received a Top Lighthouse Rating from the Health Department this year. Certificates went out to all establishments last week. In 2019, 58% of eligible restaurants received this award.
In 2022, 56% of eligible restaurants received a Lighthouse Award.