Immerse yourself and your whole family in an afternoon that celebrates favorite American Classics as well as other importantcomposers.
We are honored to have Craig Melvin, Anchor of NBC’s Today show and Westport resident, as our narrator for Copland’s Lincoln Portrait. Originally commissioned to be a musical portrait of an eminent American, Copland used material from speeches and letters of Lincoln, as well as original folk songs of the period, including "Camptown Races" and "On Springfield Mountain."
Normally found seated as our Principal Violist, Suzanne Corey-Sahlin guest conducts Rossini’s Barber of Seville Overture. Suzannewon this dream role through an auction item from our 85thAnniversary Soiree.
The concert also features 15-year-old pianist Lina Elwood, winner of our 13th Annual Concerto Competition. With the full orchestra backing her, she will perform the piece that won her top honors, the first movement of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto #2.
Going out on a high note, American in Paris by George Gershwin concludes the performance – complete with the taxi horns! You have a rare treat to see Music Director and Conductor Jonathan Yates utilize his talents as a concert pianist in this piece!
One performance only at the Norwalk Concert Hall, 125 East Avenue. Individual tickets, which range from $10 for students and children, and $25, $40, and $60 for adults, can be purchased online at the Symphony’s website www.norwalksymphony.org, by calling the Symphony office at 203 956-6771, or at the door.