City of Norwalk’s Veterans Day ceremony on Saturday, guest speaker is Norwalk resident and retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, Beverly Follis

Join Mayor Rilling and the Norwalk Veterans Memorial Committee at the City of Norwalk’s Annual Veterans Day ceremony this Saturday, November 11 at 9:30 AM at City Hall. The ceremony will begin with a performance by the American Festival Band, followed by the program at 10:00 AM. This year’s guest speaker is Norwalk resident and retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, Beverly Follis.

The program will include a traditional minute of silence that will be observed at 11:00 AM, followed by a rifle three volley salute performed by the Norwalk Police Department Honor Guard. Taps will be performed by Vincent Mola from Brien McMahon High School and “Amazing Grace” will be performed by bagpiper James Meehan, Principal Engineer of Norwalk’s Department of Public Works. Following the program, refreshments will be served in the Community Room, courtesy of the American Legion Post 12 Auxiliary.

The City of Norwalk is proud to be designated as a Regional Site for the 2023 Veterans Day Commemoration by the Veterans Day National Committee for the fourth year in a row. Norwalk is the only municipality in CT to receive this recognition.

The Veterans Day National Committee meets three times a year in Washington, D.C., to plan Veterans Day activities, including selecting a national Veterans Day poster, recognizing regional observances that honor America’s veterans, and hosting a national ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

Submitted by Norwalk, CT

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