Ridgefield resident Jane Turner and her daughter Cory have created an app called Dogly to benefit dogs and shelters across the country. The app (which you can download for free) provides a service for dogs and dog lovers, allowing them to post photos, along with captions.
I had the honor of interviewing Jane about her Dogly app, its benefits and impact on the canine community.
How was the idea for this app conceived?
Dogly is a happy marriage of Cory and my professsional lives and our personal passion. We are both involved in marketing, branding and digital work and we've always been involved with dogs, dog lovers and dog rescue. Dogly is the coming together of both those sides. It's something we created for dog lovers but also benefits rescue dogs.
Describe how Dogly benefits shelters
One of the biggest concepts of the app is that you can give back. Every time you share a photo of a dog, there's a chance someone will see the dog and may want to adopt him or her. Pictures are so powerful.
You can do all sorts of things to the pics you post on Dogly like add funny, captions, draw pictures, and there are all creative ways to create a story through the pictures.
We've partnered with Petfinder which will give users the chance to pick over 10,000 dog shelters around the country to support. Every time someone hits the love button next to the photo of the dog (like liking a status on Facebook), you're donating to a shelter. The shelter with the most loves at the end of the month gets a grant. Cory and I like to say Dogly is where dogs help dogs and make their humans heroes.
As of now, Dogly has donated over $20,000 to animal shelters nationwide.
How has the reaction from the public about the app been thus far?
The reaction has been really wonderful. People are just ecstatic with the idea of being creative with their pics of dogs and giving back to a great cause and the shelters have been really positive about it as well.
What do you hope to see the app do in the future for dogs and their owners?
We hope to keep expanding the community of people who are on Dogly in sharing and doing good together. We have some features in the works that are still in development.
Please type in Dogly in your iPhone App Store and download it for free today!