Fairfield resident Denise Fernandez launched a petition on Change.org with the mission of preventing pedestrian deaths. The petition currently has 2,179 signatures.
Her petition comes on the heels of the death of Meghan Raveis who was killed on Friday, June 23, 2023 while walking on the side of Redding Road. Fernandez notes that Raveis is not the only pedestrian killed on Redding Road. Marileady Morel Araujo, 32, was killed while walking her dog on July 4, 2020.
“This is a request to The Fairfield Representative Town meeting, The Fairfield Board of Selectpeople, and The First Selectwoman Brenda Kupchick,” she writes.
As Fairfield Residents and residents on Redding Road we will support you as needed to have the requests implemented as soon as possible for the safety of everyone and prevent another tragic death. To make Redding Road safer to the homeowners and their visitors we call upon you to make the following changes to Redding Road.
Fernandez outlines several safety measures
1. Place 4 stops signs on Redding Rd in Fairfield at the following intersections:
Redding Rd. and Longmeadow Rd.
Redding Rd. and Brett Rd.
Redding Rd. and Cross Hwy
Redding Rd. and Verna Hill Rd.
Placing stops signs along Redding Rd at these intersections prevents vehicles from being able to accumulate speed which at times as per the electronic speed signs has demonstrated 55mph.
2. Place cameras on the stop signs in the event that vehicles speed through the stop signs and drivers be fined according to the speeding laws of the state and reporting be made to DMV and the vehicular insurance company.
3. Stop sign be installed at the end of Old Academy before entering Redding Rd.
4. Center line rumble strips be placed on the solid yellow line to enhance driver visibility of the lane, and increase driver preview time.
5. All mailboxes be placed on the same side of the home it is assigned to.
The petition reads:
Four families are forever traumatized by the death of 2 young women way before their time. Greenfield Hill is a beautiful area with residents that care about their surroundings and the safety of others. The speed limits in place are for the safety of the residents, walkers, cyclists, and students of the Timothy Dwight School. The speed of vehicles in both directions of Redding Rd has been an issue for several years and has now been the cause of 2 deaths. It is a 4 mile downhill run on Redding Rd from Route 136 to Hulls Hwy without 1 stop sign in place. In the 2200 block area despite a car going 20mph without accelerating on the gas the car will go to 40mph by the time it reaches Cross Hwy. A 20mph increase before reaching Timothy Dwight Elementary School in a 25mph zone. The residents of Redding Road. are in constant jeopardy due to the disrespect of drivers who choose not to obey the speed limit. As residents we purchased homes for the tranquility GFH has to offer, not to have our lives endangered or jeopardized by reckless drivers. The consequences the drivers receive does not undue the trauma the families and neighbors of the victims have to endure for a lifetime.
Read and sign the petition HERE.