Top Democrats Attend Redding Fundraiser

Both of Connecticut’s United States Senators, Christopher Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, were in Redding on Sunday to attend the Century Club, the Democratic Town Committee’s annual fundraising event, held this year at the home of Redding’s First Selectman Julia Pemberton and her husband, Adam.

The senators arrived early and delivered rousing talks about the importance of reelecting Governor Dan Malloy to keep Connecticut moving forward and Congressman Jim Himes, who has assumed an influential role in the US House of Representatives; and Congressman Himes followed their discussions with an impassioned speech himself. In his remarks, he spoke of recently helping to secure for Connecticut a $161million federal grant to fix the Norwalk Walk Bridge that has plagued trains in the area, part of his effort to reinvest in our country’s infrastructure. That effort also includes co-sponsoring legislation for a National Infrastructure Bank to help cities and states pay for much-needed work, and to create jobs. He said that in Fairfield County we have all seen the direct impact of underinvestment on 95 and on Metro North.

Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill talked about how she implemented same day (election day) voter registration in CT, and her efforts to make voting accessible to all.

Later in the afternoon, Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman came by and spoke to the crowd about the progress made during the last three and a half years under Governor Dan Malloy: Nearly 60,000 private sector jobs have been created, state finances are back into the black after a $3.67 billion deficit, and CT had one of the best implementations of the Affordable Care Act in the nation.

According to DTC member Peter Bonfanti, “The Lt. Governor was her usual entertaining, but smart and thoughtful self. Definitely a memorable afternoon.”

Candace Fay of Danbury, candidate for the State General Assembly, 2nd district, and Phil Sharlach of Wilton, candidate for State Senate, also attended.

Photos courtesy of Stephanie Oulton

Submitted by Redding, CT

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