Redding First Selectman Speaks with Current Events Group

   Redding First Selectman Julia Pemberton appeared before the Redding Current Events Discussion Group, on Wednesday, October 28, to discuss her administration’s accomplishments and initiatives during their first term, and her thoughts and vision for the future.

    Henry Polio, Chair of the session, led the discussion of about two dozen bipartisan group members, who meet regularly to discuss the issues of the day. Mr. Polio posed a series of questions for the First Selectman, ranging from the status of the Gilbert & Bennett wire mill site litigation to the significant recent improvement in town roads; and the bipartisan leadership Redding enjoys under her administration. First Selectman Pemberton cited progress that’s been made on town budgets, the stabilization of the town’s mill rate, and the reduction of police spending due to both improvements in contractual patrol scheduling as well as the use of a new security model in the Redding Elementary School.

    The First Selectman indicated that accommodating a decline in school enrollment due to changes in demographics, which is an issue for 150+ other municipalities in the state, will provide opportunities to reduce spending, and should not compromise educational quality. She noted that excellent schools support the property values in town, and are the number one reason new families move to town: Maintaining the continued excellence of the schools is critical. Other topics discussed were the ability to provide suitable housing alternatives for Redding’s seniors, and resolving the wire mill legal status.

    Ms. Pemberton was well received by the group, which was made up of members of all political perspectives; and she said that she really enjoyed her thoughtful dialogue with members of the Discussion Group.

Submitted by Redding, CT

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