Town of Redding Special Town Meeting on Monday, November 20

The Legal Voters in the Town of Redding, Connecticut, and those entitled to vote therein are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Special Town Meeting to be held at the Redding Town Hall Hearing Room on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purpose:

* To consider and vote upon the transfer of $54,000 from the Town of Redding FY 24 Budget Contingency account to the FY 24 Highway Department repair account.

* To do any and all things legal and necessary to accomplish the above-named purpose and to take any other action that may legally and properly come before the meeting.

DATED at Redding, Connecticut this 2nd day of November, 2023.

BOARD OF SELECTMEN First Selectwoman Julia Pemberton

Selectwoman Margaret L. O’Donnell

Selectman Michael Thompson


(name must appear on the last completed Grand List 10/21/2022) are eligible to vote at the Special Town Meeting.

Please bring ID and arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to be checked off by the Registrar of Voters.**

Submitted by Redding, CT

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