So happy to tell everyone we have finally got our website for Veronica's Garden up and running --- Equally excited to announce we are starting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program this summer as well. Don't wait to sign up - we are only taking a limited number of shares. Check us out at
About Veronica's Garden:
Veronica's Garden is a sustainable farm located in Ridgefield Ct. Bob DiNucci has been farming this land for 16 years, starting it as a hobby and growing the land exponentially over the years. Tho we are not certified organic, we use no pesticides or products containing any harmful chemicals, using only organic materials. Furthermore, we do not use any GMO seeds.
We have a daily farm stand, open from May to October located outside Peachwave Yogurt on Rte 35 (Danbury Raod) in Ridgefield. This year, we are proud and excited to announce that we will be offering a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.